New Directions

Posted on March 21, 2010. Filed under: Fianna Fáil | Tags: , , , |

I’ve written previously on what Fianna Fáil needs to do to stave off a cataclysmic election result at the next General Election. Michael McDowell is credited with using the phrase “Radical or Redundant” when referring to the PD’s. And while I am loath to mention Fianna Fáil and the PD’s in the same breath, I do believe that same phrase can be used to describe what Fianna Fáil needs to do to secure itself into the future.

More of the same isn’t going to cut it with the electorate. Undoubtedly, they have benefited a lot from Fianna Fáil in government but the electorate have very short memories and the freshest thing bouncing about in their minds is the recession and how ‘Fianna Fáil caused it’. Now, don’t get me wrong. We made mistakes and should have done things differently but we didn’t cause the recession.

We need to be bold, brash, decisive and radical. We need to think outside the box and not merely give the people what they want. Sometimes what they want isn’t what  they need and it’s the responsibility of those involved in politics to lead on issues and to not merely follow. The party through its membership, needs to think about what it stands for, and what it wants to achieve for Ireland. It should set out a 15 year plan for Ireland and sell it to the people!

Obviously, how I want the party to orientate itself is quite obvious – liberal, radical and republican. Some will disagree but so be it. Let’s have a debate and let’s come up with the best solutions that take in the best of everyone’s ideas!!

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Una Duce, Una Voce

Posted on February 7, 2010. Filed under: Fianna Fáil, Irish Politics | Tags: , , |

The above wee phrase has entered into Irish Political Folklore  over the past 20 odd years, ever since Government Press Secretary PJ Meara uttered them in reference to CJ Haughey and his right to speak for the party with authority. Before I go any further, let me be very clear – I agree with Meara’s statement. Once elected, the Leader of the party should lead and speak for the party unless the Ard Fheis has expressly passed a resolution outlining a certain party policy.

The question arises from where does Uachtaráin Fhianna Fáil get his authority from? I think we can forget about the ‘Divine Right of Kings’ so there must be some political mechanism. Currently, the FF leader is elected by the Fianna Fáil TD’s. It’s as simple as that. There is no mechanism for the FF member, councillor, Ard Comhairle member, Senator or MEP to be involved in his or her election. A bit unfair? Yes. Admittedly, this was a very fine system 50 years ago as gathering all these people together or securely balloting them was a difficult task, but surely in the 21st century we can find a more democratic way of electing the person to lead our party?

There are a number of options available to us:

1) Electoral College System: This system was used previously by the Progressive Democrats. 40% of votes were allocated to members of the Parliamentary Party, 30% to National Executive members and councillors and the remaining 30% to members of the party.

2) Delegate Vote at Ard Fheis: This system was recently utilised by the SDLP at their February conference where they elected Margaret Ritchie as their new leader. All branches were entitled to a certain number of delegate votes dependent on their membership figures for the preceeding year

3) One Member – One Vote: All registered and paid up members of a party vote for the leader either by postal vote or at an Ard Fheis.

All three types have their merits. My preference would be a mixture of all three:

  • All members of the party, who have paid their dues receive one vote and this accounts for 50% of the entire vote.
  • TD’s, Senators, MP’s, Ard Comhairle Members and Councillors receive one vote each (No double jobbing) and this accounts for 20% of the total vote
  • Cumainn are then allocated the remaining 30% of votes. Votes will be apportioned based on paid up cumainn membership lists. All Cumainn have a minimum of 2 votes up to a maximum of 8.

This fulfills some of the main criteria, I think that is needed in electing a leader:

  1. Role of ordinary members
  2. Reflective of the wishes of the Elected Representatives
  3. Gives a strong role to Cumainn within the party.

Anybody got any ideas or suggestions?

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Kenny to do what Bertie couldnt?

Posted on November 7, 2009. Filed under: Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, Irish Politics | Tags: , , , , , , |

Enda Kenny has today claimed that he can lead Fine Gael to an overall majority in the next Dáil. Speaking on Marian Finucane this morning, Deputy Kenny said “he does not think it is beyond the bounds of possibility that his party could win an overall majority in the next general election.” As well as blustering on about how his party is the only party with a plan, he said he wouldnt cut child benefit. Now forgive me if I’m narky this morning because of a Sore Throat and having my morning slumber interrupted by the wish-washy tones of a has-been Fine Gaeler waffling and meandering in search of column inches, but the Government and Fianna Fáil have a plan. The Smart Economy Framework, the Programme for Government and other documents set out the Government’s stall in relation to the next number of years. This man is a muppet!!!

However, I do accept that Fine Gael will pick up extra seats at the expense of Fianna Fáil in the next election. Labour and Fine Gael should form the next Government, and if they dont, they should be all shot at dawn by their party members. I dont however accept that things will be as bad for Fianna Fáil as is predicted or nearly as bad as some political commentators hope.

Here’s how I think it will pan out – General Election April 2012

Fianna Fáil: 33% (55)

Fine Gael: 32% (65)

Labour: 19% (25)

Greens: 3% (1)

Sinn Féin: 5% (6)

Ind’s / Others: 8% (14)

Fine Gael and Lab will form a Government. Fianna Fáil will go into opposition badly bruised but not destroyed. FF will regroup for a year or two, allow water to flow under the bridge between their term in office and the new government. Radical reorganisation of the party and a mammoth overhaul of the Fianna Fáil policy platform.

Three to four years later, cracks will appear in the coalition or maybe sooner if any reform needs to be implemented. Government falls or Enda goes to the people (he’ll be shocking old this stage), and bang….Fianna Fáil is back!!

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Fianna Fáil Deputy Leader

Posted on October 27, 2009. Filed under: Fianna Fáil, Irish Politics | Tags: , , , |

I was having a conversation earlier with a fellow Fianna Fáiler on Facebook Chat and we were talking about how the Fianna Fáil party and the Government have become so intertwined. I accept that the Taoiseach and the Ministers need to be 100%  focused on the country and its economic recovery. What struck us was that there was no one looking actively at the party and its needs. Yes we have a General Secretary and a large HQ apparatus but no one in the Parliamentary Party who’s first role is to make decisions quickly regarding the organisation and to ultimately prepare the party for an election.

One has to look at the British Labour party where their Deputy Leader isnt a senior Minister or even the Deputy Prime Minister. There was a competitive election in 2007 where Harriet Harmon came out triumphant.

Fianna Fáil needs to be treated as a distinct entity. Yes we are part of the Government but we have an obligation to the party also. My proposal is that their should be a Deputy Leader elected by the Parliamentary Party (ideally by the Membership but thats a long way off in my opinions) whose role would be to oversee changes in the organisation and to make sure we are ready to fight the coming election. This person needs to have the time to talk to the many hundreds of people in the party who have new ideas about how the party can change for the better and to ultimately win back supporters. 

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