Fianna Fáil Deputy Leader

Posted on October 27, 2009. Filed under: Fianna Fáil, Irish Politics | Tags: , , , |

I was having a conversation earlier with a fellow Fianna Fáiler on Facebook Chat and we were talking about how the Fianna Fáil party and the Government have become so intertwined. I accept that the Taoiseach and the Ministers need to be 100%  focused on the country and its economic recovery. What struck us was that there was no one looking actively at the party and its needs. Yes we have a General Secretary and a large HQ apparatus but no one in the Parliamentary Party who’s first role is to make decisions quickly regarding the organisation and to ultimately prepare the party for an election.

One has to look at the British Labour party where their Deputy Leader isnt a senior Minister or even the Deputy Prime Minister. There was a competitive election in 2007 where Harriet Harmon came out triumphant.

Fianna Fáil needs to be treated as a distinct entity. Yes we are part of the Government but we have an obligation to the party also. My proposal is that their should be a Deputy Leader elected by the Parliamentary Party (ideally by the Membership but thats a long way off in my opinions) whose role would be to oversee changes in the organisation and to make sure we are ready to fight the coming election. This person needs to have the time to talk to the many hundreds of people in the party who have new ideas about how the party can change for the better and to ultimately win back supporters. 

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You could do that by having someone as president of the party who isn’t then leader of the parliamentary party. In theory FG have that though at present the role is occupied by the same person.

In theory, FF is like that too, but its always been the case that once a guy becomes Leader of the PP, at the next Ard Fheis he is elected as Uachtaran

Excellent idea. We need lots and lots of internal democracy. It is our biggest hamstring at moment imho. UK Labour hold elections for their opposition spokesperson roles (well they did in the days when they were in opposition). If we do bite the bullet next time round, I would hope at least opposition would give us a chance for some decent internal reforms.

E.g. – Internal policy think tanks with real clout. Debate, agree (by member votes) and publish clear coherent policies. Include membership in selection of Leader (or perhaps Deputy Leader as above). Empower the membership. People will come back to cumainn if there is a real role to be played there. Just some examples.

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