“On the Origin of Species”by Charles Darwin

Posted on November 24, 2009. Filed under: Education | Tags: , , , , , , |

On the 24th November, 1859, Charles Darwin published one of the most important books ever namely “On the Origin of Species”. In this work, Darwin’s presented evidence that the diversity of life arose through a branching pattern of evolution with common descent caused by a mechanism known as natural selection.

Prior to this, the scientific establishment had believe that species were unchanging parts of a designed hierarchy and had rejected ideas of transmutation of species and of humans being related to animals. The very idea that humans with its direct link to God via Adam and Eve could possibly be connected to monkeys and apes was anathema to Christians.

Over time, Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection was accepted and secular science was soon firmly rooted in scientific naturalism. While there have been many advancements in our understanding of evolution since then and with Natural Selection not being seen as the only type of evolution, it is beyond question that “On the Origin of Species” is one of the most important books ever written.  It is important to remember that Alfred Russell Wallace was also prominent in developing this theory but alas for Wallace, Darwin’s name will always be the first mentioned!

This leads me on to an important topic. Most rational, sane and educated people accept that evolution of some description took place and is continuing to take place. For example, why have we an appendix? It serves no purpose what so ever. The simple fact is that as our diet has evolved so too has our digestive system. I suspect in 10,000 years, people will need to revert to an encyclopedia to remind themselves of what an appendix did or didnt do.

So why do some schools in the United States attempt to teach Creationism as being the way humanity evolved. Don’t get me wrong; I believe in God and I am under no doubt that God had a role in creating the Big Bang and allowing for the correct factors to allow life to be begin, but come one; do you seriously expect me to believe the story of Adam and Eve as fact?

The very idea than any school system would allow this to be taught as fact is repugnant to me. As a science teacher, there is no justification for teaching Creationism other than as a story to simply God’s role in the Universe. Evolution is all around us. Evolution is there to be seen. We have no scientific basis for creationism apart from the words of the Bible which to be frank have been rewritten a couple of times over the past 5000 years.

All right-minded people, be they religious or not, must look upon Education in the correct way and not use it to indoctrinate children with ideas which are simply without basis.

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